1. Weans Night Feeds - 2.5months. I would like to make a correction here. She doesnt need any feeding between 11pm to 5am. Is 5am feed consider as night feed?2. Turns her body, holding her bottle while feeding, watches her fingers as if admiring them - 5months
3. Good hand control: Grasps and plays wt toys, arcs her body backward wanting to free herself, giggles while watching tv, lunges forward if she wants u to carry - 5.5months
4. Kicks vigorously. does pushups. eats solid(her 1st food is cereal, which is the easiest to prepare) - 6months
5. Stands on 4 limbs, moves around by slithering, sits up independently for a few minutes - 6.5months
6. Reacts to the word 'Bye', eats other solid food like bread crumbs and taufoo - 7.5months
7. Pulls herself up to standing position - 8months.
8. Climbs the stairs(4steps), understands bye2 and clap hands, plays 'tim chong chong' - 9months
9. Climbs full flight of stairs, dances to music, imitates sounds like 'yah', 'bah', 'che(jie)', walks a few steps with support, plays peek-a-boo, scribbles, weight 9.1kg,, height 74cm - 9.5months
10. Says "Daddy" clearly(She calls me Daddy too). Imitates animal sounds, has 8 teeth - 10.5months
11. Stands independently for >5secs, puts objects into containers - 11months
12. Runs(3-5 steps) to a target(it was food) - 11.5months.
13. Weighs 9.4kg at 76cm tall, walks 7-10 steps independently, climbs <6 steps up and down the stairs on her soles, added vocabulary, says Thank you automatically - 12months
14. Calls grandparents, calls Mummy(its her fav word now) - 13months
15. Drinks from straw, follows simple instructions "Close the door" "Put it down", "Keep it" climbs the sofa and tables - 15months14. Walks up & down the whole flight of stairs independently, goes up and down her 'car' and pushes it back and forth, gives orders to the maid "Yati, nan-nan", says 2 to 10 - 16months
To save time, it's easier to add Jerilyn's recent development (3y3m old) here: She could push herself up and down the toilet bowl., meaning she can do her toilet business totally on her own. She has started to write by following the lines and dots. She knows how to control the mouse.