Saturday, July 31, 2010

My Point

Meal times with my 2 kids can be tiresome at times but a breeze at other times esp when it comes to their favourite food or when they are in good mood.
1 of our favourite eating outlets is My Point in Ipoh Garden because (for unknown reason) Jerilyn always finishes the spaghetti served. Mind you, its not a kid's meal. If you ask her to choose between spaghetti or MacDonalds, she would say Spaghetti. To give you an idea how much she eats, I took a photo of it yesterday.

Before - Spaghetti that fits the King

After - She took all the spaghetti (small portion was given to Jesslyn) except for the pcs of chicken.

Other than this plate of spaghetti, she also took some mushroom soup, 2 slices of bread, half cup of mango juice and a cup of ice-cream for desert.
My 2 kids have always been quite independent. This includes eating. All we did is cut the spaghetti into chewable size for Jerilyn and holding the bowl for Jesslyn to scope her soup. She is quite clumsy at holding cutlery upright. She tends to tilt it until the contents spill over. The other patrons were so amazed with their independence and cute eagerness in eating. Some comments I overheard were:
  • 3-y-o nowadays are so clever in feeding themselves and can eat so much. Even eat more than me.
  • Look at the baby. Scoping the soup herself and enjoying every spoon.
Yup. They enjoyed their meal to the last bite.

Js' at 1y6m old

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Singing @ 19months

I am trying to upload 1 of the songs that Jesslyn sang but it does take a while to upload anything. Sigh... So, before I share any videos, it's better for me to write it down before the news become stale news. Some of the songs that Jesslyn could sing (not whole) include:
a) Baa Baa Black Sheep
baa baa black sheep, have oo... wool, yhes sir... .. full...master..for the dame... boy...down the lane
b) Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
c) Hickory Dickory Dock
d) Old MacDonald
ey,yay,ey,yay,oo.. moo moo here, moo moo there... ey,yay,ey,yay,oo
e) Incy Wincy Spider
f) I Love You - Barney Theme Song
g) Humpty Dumpty
* Before I could post this, the video was finnaly uploaded. Yeah!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Welcome to Blogspot

Although I created this account with blogspot in 2008 but I never took the initiative to explore the features. I found it quite confusing and mind-boggling. Therefore, I had been stuck with spaces for a few years. However, recently, I am quite fed up with the errors and problems that I encounter in spaces. Firstly, I cannot access my website without having to sign into hotmail first. Secondly, I cannot upload photos since June. (Imagine not having able to share photos of my beauties!!!) Thirdly, I cannot stay login for long. Every other minute, I am asked to login again.
So, today, I give blogspot a try again and find that it isnt very difficult to create a blog at all. In fact, it is much more fun to play with as compared to spaces.
Hooray!! No more hassles.

Paper Origami

"Mummy, look at this. My flower". All ready in the vase.

Paper butterfly


Sunday, July 25, 2010

My Discovery

At 19m16d, Jesslyn
1. wee-ed for the 1st time in the toilet bowl. I was so ecstactic I screamed for my hubby to watch. He exclaimed that I was too excited I could be scaring Jesslyn.
A few days back, I blogged about having difficulty in training Jesslyn to use potty. I wondered what did I do or didnt do with Jesslyn that made her slow in potty training. After that, I exchanged experiences with colleagues and friends and realised that it isnt abnormal for Jesslyn to still wear pampers. It was Jerilyn who is quick in ceasing dependence on pampers (at 24 months). It looks like I still have to invest on pampers for quite some time.
2. used a few more new words intelligently.

  • she said "heavy, heavy" as she carried her chair around.
  • she used "pull down" when the wrapper was in the way to the wafer. She wanted me to pull down the wrapper.
  • she played with the paper frog that I folded and said "Froggy, jump jump. Froggy, jump jump."
  • answered in Teochew "Hao Chak"(Delicious) when her granny asked about the coke she was sipping.
  • she said "brush your teeth" at pics of toothpaste and toothbrush and "kick the ball" at the relevant pic.
  • she said "share Mei2" and passed the apple to her sister.

As for Jerilyn, other than her brilliant imagination, (today, she stood in the toodler's chair and galloped in it[horse]) she could recognise and spell about 40+words. She doesnt like writing. Everytime she writes, she only writes 4-8times before she becomes lazy and starts diverting my attention. She needs to be guided when it comes to studying.
Overall, they have a pretty good relationship except the times when they fight for something. Jerilyn always snatches from Jesslyn and this makes Jesslyn a complainer and defensive. Whenever Jerilyn touches her, Jesslyn would move away. Now, before Jerilyn could take anything from her, she would hold it tight to her chest and come running to me for rescue. However, Jesslyn still 'adores' her sister. She loves to copy her sister's every action, every move. Jerilyn sings, Jesslyn imitates, Jerilyn screams, Jesslyn screams louder. Jerilyn complains of pain on the hand, Jesslyn does the same. Jerilyn rolls on the floor, Jesslyn follows. I attribute Jesslyn's extensive vocabulary and communication skills to parroting Jerilyn. As a result, this boosts Jerilyn's confidence as not only Jesslyn copies her moves, Jesslyn also laughs like crazy at Jerilyn's funny actions.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Trained and to be Trained

It is so difficult to potty train Jesslyn. Til this very day (she is 19m now), she hasnt wee-ed a drop in the potty. She loves to sit, get up and sit on it again just for fun but no pee. On the bright side, she can poo in it once in a while. Unlike Jerilyn who was already day trained at 20 months and do not need pampers at night by 24months, I wonder how much more damage Jesslyn will cause on the environment before she stops wearing pampers.

Jerilyn has learned to put on and remove her t-shirt herself recently. You see, our normal bath time routine is Jerilyn leaves the shower first while I finish bathing Jesslyn. Recently, by the time we go out, Jerilyn proudly announces "Mummy. You see! I wear myself." As for differentiatin front and back, I taught her to look at the label. Labels should be at the back. So, she seldom have problems separating back from the front. Her only problem is she is not sure which is front or back when the shirt is stuck at her neck.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Jesslyn's extensive vocab

I mentioned that Jesslyn is more vocal as compared to Jerilyn at the same age. She can use up to 3 words in her sentences at 1y6m. Here are some of Jesslyn's common phrases and lines:
What's this?
Which one? (when she is frustrated)
I don't want.
Who draw/write this?
You see?!
Oh NO!!!
(putting her palms on her forehead)
Ready? Get set... Go! (as she tosses the ball to you)
Watch this pleaseeee. (passing her vcd of choice)
Yati, wash/cuci bottle.
Mummy, go up.
(which is actually Jie2), upstairs. Mei2, oi-oi (sleeping).
Beat mosquitoe/cockroach (Sometimes, she comes to you with a squashed insect on her finger.)
Wear pampers, sit down, come here, read books, see you, kick the ball, drink water etc...
The one Mandarin word which is their favourite is Bu Yao. She doesnt like to be touched.... BuYao. She doesnt like the tv programme... BuYao. She rejects food... BuYao. In short, they dont say No to sth they dont like but BuYao.
She has no problem repeating after you in any language ie English, Mandarin, BM or even Teochew.

Sigh! Just when I want to stop writing, I hear another tear. Jesslyn tore another page from their collection. What to do with these kids? Ban them from reading?

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Confused Jesslyn

Jesslyn communicate better as compared to Jerilyn at the same age. jesslyn is able to understand and answer some WH- questions as I have mentioned in my blog months ago. However, she is confused when it comes to identifying pictures. For example, she may say cat when she sees a tiger or dog. She says fish (non-specific) when she sees dolphin or any other similar sea creatures. She sees a bear in many animals. She also calls Jerilyn; Mei-Mei at times.
Jesslyn is also a copycat. She follows exactly what her sister does. Sit, jump, play, talk, kick etc.. just like Jerilyn. Even when Jerilyn complains about itchy hand, Jesslyn immediately does the same. Being a copycat is alright. It's part of growing up after all. However, little does she know her limits and she tries to do dangerous things beyond her limits. For example, climbing the sofa from the back, skipping down the stairs, doing somersaults on the bed and walking on 1 chair to another. This is my little Jesslyn.

Monday, July 5, 2010

A minute vs A night

Jerilyn is not one of those who just toss and turn in bed til she falls asleep. She wanders in the dark til she is bored and tired. Then, toss and turn on the bed til she sleeps. Yesterday, she was doing the same thing. Nonchalantly, I said to her, "If you are naughty, I will kick you out of the room." There was a minute of silence. Then, she opened the room door, ready to leave. As it was pitch-dark, I was afraid she might fall down the stairs. I asked quickly "Where are you going?". She answered sarcastically "You said I go out?" I replied "I was just kidding." Again, she persisted "You said I go out?" I couldnt persuade her to return to bed. She closed the door to our amusement.
What it seems like a minute later, she opened the door and announced "It's 7o'clock. Wake up. Wake up." like a cock-a-doodle-doo. At first, we pretended not to hear her or should I say, I was too puzzled with what she said I didnt know what to say. She repeated "It's 7o'clock already. It's time to wake up." After that, we concluded that she must have imagined spending 1 whole night outside the room (tho it was no more than a minute) and pretended that it was daylight when she came back. We were pleasantly amused with her creativity and laughed at her smart remarks. I told her it's not yet 7o'clock and it's time to sleep to which she replied "ok".

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Cunning Girl

I can imagine how rebellious Jerilyn will turn out to be when she grows up. Now, she is quite defiant at times. She just know how to irritate you.
For example, she says 20 with a smirk even though its a 10. No wonder my mother said Jerilyn is sly (look) like a fox even when Jerilyn was only a day old in the hospital.
On some nights, she says "Good night Kai Lin(which is me)" and insists that I say "Good night Mummy(which is her)"
Other examples include insisting Ah Yee is Mummy and me - Ah Yee.
Many events and cute quotes that I wish to jot down but time flies and I have a memory like a sieve.