# POTTY TRAINING(Part 3)We should be happy that Jesslyn is toilet trained.[Yes, we are]. However, this doesnt come without inconveniences.Can you guess what is the inconvenience?
Imagine your, less than 2yo child, pestering incessantly for toilet - "Mummy, shee shee. Daddy, shee shee" in a quiet, almost romantic dining place. What would you do? At first, we tried to ignore her but she was getting louder and louder and also stood up in her high chair. I asked hubby to take her to the car as we had a potty in case of emergency. They went and returned but there was no shee shee. Most probably by the time we took her pleas seriously, she had relieved herself in the diapers. :-p
# SONGSIn addtion to the list of songs I posted a few weeks back, Jesslyn is also confident with these songs.
- London Bridge
- Row, Row, Row the Boat
- Three Blind Mice (She can only sing 3 Blind Mice, See how they run)
- Polly Put the Kettle on (She misses the word 'Kettle' tho)
# PRONUNCIATION & LANGUAGEMy dad always complain that Jerilyn cannot pronunce the 'l' and 'r' properly. Her 'play' sounds more like 'pay'. 'Jesslyn' becomes 'Jessyn' and what is worse is her name which consists of both 'l' and 'r' - instead of 'Jerilyn Goh Kai Lin', it's 'Je
rrlyn Goh Kai
Yin'. I feel that it's a temporary problem and most children will grow out of it. Dont they? But, sis thinks that she may bring this to adulthood. Will she?
I give her the benefit of doubt because she is learning a few languages and dialect. Her 1st language is English and she masters Malay language quite well. Other than that, she learns Teo Chew from her granny and also tries to communicate with her cousins in Mandarin. My aunts advise my dad to teach her Hakka dialect but my dad is not keen. He thinks that she is already learning too many languages for her age.