She is also an expert in avoiding working on her books. To buy time, she'll ask me numerous questions (to confirm the answer) before she draws on the paper. For example, "Mummy, is it like this? Mummy, I draw here? I use this pencil?" I must say that I am bias for not being tough on her as I would be on Jerilyn for wasting time. Normally, she would say that the exercise is difficult. One day, she completed a maze within seconds and said "Mummy, you see? This is easy." However, I did not tell her that she got it wrong. Look at the far right. At first, she used a pencil. Then, a red marker.

She does not like her sister to touch her stuff. This includes her Sesame Street schoolbag. One day, she scolded her sister " Wei... wei....wei(in Chinese)... don't spoil my school bag.... Always spoil my school bag." and snatched the bag away. Same goes with many other things, the moment her sister holds an item, she snatches it and claims "I want to use it."
A mini fun-fair has been set-up recently near my in-laws place. Upon seeing it, she said "Wow! Look at the merry-go-round. It is so big. I want to go to the playground." I told her "It's fun-fair, not playground." She replied immediately "I THOUGHT it's playground?" I was surprised she knows this bold word. Other than that, she used 'actually' as in "ACTUALLY, I want that. " when I asked her "Do you want this?"
I don't think attending school next year would be a problem for her as she loves to send Jerilyn to school every morning. Leaving her in the car means tantrums from her. She loves to see the teachers; calling them and waving at them. One day, she said to her Jie2 "Be careful" at the school gate and turned around. How touching! I swear I have never said that to Jerilyn before while sending her to school.
She adds SILLY to reprimand anyone for doing the 'wrong' thing. For example, "Daddy didn't take this, silly boy." "Mummy, you silly girl. You ...." "Why you turn here? You silly boy."(Daddy used another route instead of the usual route.
In addition to her list of cheeky answers, she knows 'Sam Chi Keng' (something to do with Chinese proverbs), and a few 'adult' songs. The songs are: You are my Sunshine and Sealed with a Kiss. She only needs to listen to a song or anything melodious a few times and 'snap', she can sing. She is the one who corrects Jerilyn singing.
The video below shows her ability to read multiplication(x2) in Mandarin.
The picture below is her work. When she uses the pencil, the lead easily breaks. I do not allow her to use the 'magic colour' because she will end up pushing the sticks in. 2 unusable magic colours is too much for me! As you can see from the left picture below, she is quite detailed when colouring. She chooses the spots to colour. Unlike Jerilyn who just sweeps the colours across the pictures. Moreover, she has better control as she doesn't colour out of line as badly as Jerilyn.