Monday, December 19, 2011
Hot & Cold
I am sure you would have watched this video in Facebook.
I am so proud of my girl. I didn't expect her to dance so well. I mean , it's full of omph! There is so much power in her dance. Before the dance, hubby and I were quite anxious. Although my girl has always shown potential in dancing, many questions were on our minds. Would she have stage fright? Would she be robotic and dance like a puppet? Would she forget her steps and stand like a statue? Imagine the glaring spot lights and the hundreds of pair of eyes on her!
After that night, I am confident that my girl will have lots of opportunities on the stage in the future. She will always stand out in a crowd and make me proud.
On that day, she was sent to kindy in the morning as requested by the kindy. I was worried that she would freak out for spending the whole day in the kindy. You see, she had been asking me many times if we would fetch her from school after the dance. She hadn't been left with the kindy for the whole day before and the idea didn't please her. She was worried that we might just dump her there. So, we didn't see her the whole day 'til the dance. There were 10 different dances and hers was one of the fastest paced from the beginning til the end.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Jesslyn @ 3yo
There is so much to talk about 'til I don't know where to start. Let's start with what she can do and can't do @3:
- she definitely stopped using pacifier and nappies since 2. The only thing she hasn't been weaned is her bottle. The reason is drinking from cups give me the extra work, which I don't need.
- she puts on clothes herself but she needs help when it comes to zipping the back and buttoning her pants.
- she uses the toilet herself. Yup. From settling herself on the bowl to flushing it. She may forget to flush sometimes or worse, doesn't wipe after a big business. No, don't get me wrong. We don't allow her to wipe herself for we know she couldn't have done a good job wiping. The problem is she doesn't inform us after a big business until we see it in the bowl.
- she can write and colour. She stops often when colouring and she would pass me the pencil to colour. I think it's because her fingers are tired as she tends to press the pencil very hard onto the paper til you can see marks at the back of it.
- she can recite 'San Chee Ching' and multiplications of 2, 3 and 5 in Mandarin.
- she can read about thirty 2 to 3 letter words but it's not consistent. However, if you are English illiterate, she will fool you by looking at the words, narrate the story slowly and steadily as if she is really reading from the book.
- she can't recognise colours.
- she can talk and talking is her expertise. She gives very fast, cheeky answers. She is (a) pampered - does not accept 'No' for an answer. (b) cheeky - has excuses for everything she does (c) confident - speaks so loud and firm that you just give up arguing with her. Here are some conversations I can recall:
- She forgot where she put her bag and pointed to her. She answered "Eh? I thought I put it here?"
- She was interested with who was that on tv and asked "Mummy, who is he? I couldn't recognise him."
- Daddy didn't allow her to bring her Sesame Street umbrella during an outing and she immediately answered "Hey, it will rain afterwards!"
- We were on our way to my in-laws for dinner yesterday. She said "I want to go to Tesco." I said "Ok... when we are free." "I am free now, Mummy."
- She wanted to eat chocolate. I said "No. Daddy will scold if you eat." She said "Where got? (Manglish) Daddy is not here."
- If I scold her, she complains to her Daddy the moment she sees him and vice versa.
- I seldom beat her. One day, I was so pissed off I beat her while teaching and the next day she negotiated with me before we started our lesson. She said "Mummy, don't beat me ar? Don't beat me and Jie2."
* What's that dot for? It's in case I can recall any other memorable quotations.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
heart to heart talk
So, as usual, things turned ugly. Coincidentally, it's time for bed thus, I sent them to bed and did some mopping. When I went into the room, Jerilyn was weeping on the bed.
Jesslyn: Say sorry Jie2. Jie2 is so sad. Say sorry Jie2.
Me: (Puzzled) Who? Me or Jie?
Jesslyn: You. (pointed at me)
I was amazed by her persistence and maturity in handling this. I apologised to Jerilyn, kissed her and continued my mopping. Outside the room, I could hear Jerilyn sobbing even louder. I was about to open the door but I heard this:
Jesslyn: Huh? I can't hear you.
Jerilyn: (Mumble in between sobs)
Jesslyn: You don't want Mummy ar?
Jerilyn: (Mumble, mumble)
Jesslyn: I can't hear you. You don't want Mummy?
Jerilyn: I want Mummy to sleep with me.
Jesslyn: You want Mummy to sleep with you? Mummy is working already.
I opened the door after that and lied down next to Jerilyn. Jesslyn came and sandwiched me. After 5 short minutes, both of them dozed off.
It's so touching to hear them sharing a private moment together. So mature of them. I feel 10 years older. This is like a scene in the future - my girls have a heart to heart talk where mummy is not allowed to hear and I have to eavesdrop.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Jesslyn's 3rd Birthday
I am not one of those who would spend time brainstorming for a birthday celebration. For me, the best way to celebrate a birthday is to eat out and buy a cake. Hassle free.
Firstly, Daddy took the initiative to take a day off from work to accompany the birthday girl. Both of them went to McD for breakfast while Jerilyn and I routinely do what we had to do. They spent the rest of the morning at granny's place who gave her an angpow. Oh! My dad gave her an angpow too on the previous day. When I returned in the evening, we prepared for our simple yet satisfying outing.
The moment we climbed into the car, Jerilyn bugged me to get a cake immediately. Dad and I didn't give in to her whims and pleas. We headed for Momo Cafe in Greentown. The reason why we chose this place is because we have an expiring RM10 voucher and i don't want to waste it. We sat and ordered our favourites: Me-lamb chop, dad-fried rice and the girls-spaghetti. All come in sets. Nope. Not going to elaborate about food.
I was ready to forgo the cake if the girls didn't mention. Unfortunately, Jerilyn said it again the moment we stepped into the car. It looked like we couldn't escape from it.
At the bakery, I was scrutinizing the small cakes (approx 500gm) while Jerilyn was eyeing the big ones. I asked Jesslyn to choose one of the small ones. However, Jerilyn was fast to comment that they are too small. After a minute (which seemed like a long times esp the salesgirl was standing next to us) of negotiation, Jesslyn finally chose the choc cake. Jerilyn again gave her precious opinion. She wanted the fresh fruit cake. Since it was Jesslyn's big day, Daddy said it's Jesslyn's choice (only the small cakes pls). :) Jerilyn continued that the cakes are too small and that there is no space for candles. We confirmed our purchase. Surprisingly how kids can forgive and forget so easily. One moment she was complaining, the next, she was as happy as a clown. Both were skipping happily and sang the undue birthday song.
We cut the cake at Ah Mar's house as Daddy wished. By the time we reached home, it was almost 11pm. Below are the pictures:
Daddy and I only spent on the food. We didn't get her a gift or angpow. How unthoughtful of us. :p Most importantly, she has our blessings and love all year round. [excuse to make me feel better]. Ar... just remember - Ah Yee too gave a handsome angpow.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Year End Assessment
Bahasa Malaysia 92%
English 96%
Mathematics 100%
Mandarin 100%
Science 96%
Moral 76%
The first results she brought home was Moral. Being a typical kiasu Malaysian parent, I wasn't very pleased with her result. However, I didn't make a big fuss out of it. Deep down, I started to worry about her other results.
One day, I told hubby that when she brings home her results, it gives me cold sweat. His reply was "What is there to worry? She won't fail." I was quick to response that it isn't my expectation for her to just pass her papers. I expect her to excel. Do all mothers have higher expectations from their kids than the fathers.
When I picked up Jerilyn after school, I started the conversation by asking her about her test (which happened to be English) for the day. She said it was easy. However, she made a mistake. The picture was fish but she circled the word blanket. I asked her:
- Why didn't she change her answer? She said that she did not understand why her teacher did not erase the answer. Apparently, her teacher holds the eraser.
- Why didn't she tell the teacher? The teacher was busy doing other things.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Latest Development
It was taken from the book below. The book is the first piano book I purchased. I find this book really helpful as it teaches from the basic, thus easier for her to grasp the techniques. There are also theory parts for her to write on.
Jesslyn can solve 40 pieces puzzle in less than 20 minutes without much help. She has tried this puzzle less than 10 times. I am surprised she can solve it.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Johnny English
When my favourite cartoon, The Smurfs was shown in the cinemas, I didn't take them there for 3 reasons. Firstly, I wasn't sure if they were ready for the high level of noise. Secondly, the wizard might scare them off. Moreover, they are more interested to watch action-pack movies than animations. Thrillers can grab their attention from beginning til the end. With animations, they get distracted by other things half-way watching them. Ironic isn't it? People who love action-pack movies cannot stand high level of noise.
So, next comes Johnny English. I thought comedy might calm them and distract them from the noise. We bought a twin-seat for RM25. Apparently, the twin-seat or better known as couple seat is spacious enough for the 4 of us. The moment we went in, the dim lights weren't soothing. Jesslyn kept complaining that "It's scary." I quickly took out some cotton pads and stuck them in Jerilyn's ears although the movie hadn't started yet. On top of that, Jerilyn covered her ears with her bare hands. Jesslyn didn't want the cotton pads. When the commercials and previews began, Jesslyn started crying and people in front of our row turned back. Nothing helped. Not even lollies. Daddy took her out. Jerilyn continued covering her ears.
After 10mins, they returned. Jesslyn was quiet but she peeped through her fingers. Daddy covered her ears the whole time til the end of the show. Jerilyn let go off her hands slowly after about 20mins. Next, she complained that the shops would be closed soon. She wanted to leave. I distracted her by explaining what was going on in the movie. Explanations are good as they usually follow with 'Why'. At certain parts she laughed along. At other parts, she questioned with curiosity and excitement. She was loud enough for 2-3 rows around us to hear her. I had to shut her up a few times.
Overall, she likes the movie because it's funny. When I asked "Which part", her answer was "Every part".

Thursday, October 6, 2011
Who's the Boss?
Mine are super expressive so much so that I wonder who is in command here. Sob! Sob!
For example:
- This is what Jesslyn (2y8m) said when I scolded her. "I am not happy with you." After a minute or so, "Next time, I don't buy toys for you." I remembered Jerilyn saying "I don't give you angpow." when she wasn't happy with me.
- Jesslyn (2y9m) woke up on the wrong side of the bed one morning and wailed. In fact, it happens at least 2 times a week. I said something; a joke maybe to make her happy and Jie2 was also babbling but this was her response "I don't want to listen (to) this!" She repeated twice so I was sure that was what she said. I laughed actually.
- My dad complained the very same day that she said this to him "I don't want to listen you. I listen to mummy."
- She negotiates with you. (A) I told Jesslyn not to take any chocolates because Jie2 has a cough. She said "Jie2 don't eat. I have no cough. I want to eat." (B) I tell her to colour faster for example, she answers "I am writing fast already what?"
- At night when she wants to sleep, she orders like this "Shh... shh... I want to sleep. Don't talk." She repeats until you are quiet.
- Some of the complicated phrases she uses are "What is happening?" "I don't believe you." "
- put on and take off her clothes
- button her own clothes
- writing a few small letters of the alphabet at 2y9m old
Saturday, September 24, 2011

These are their favourites:
Colour: Pink
Food: Spagethi, Premium chocolates, anything sweet
Drink: No preference
Song: Nobody, Nobody but You
Cartoon: anything goes
Programme Fort Boyard
Colour: Blue (the pic is the evidence)
Food: Chocolates and anything sweet, fruits like pineapple, orange
Drink: Coffee
Song: whatever Jerilyn likes, she likes
Cartoon: anything goes
Both of the kids are not sporting when playing board games. Both want to win and they insist the game to be played in favour of themselves. If they lose, they sulk. I think Jesslyn learns it from her sister again. She used to be cool about losing but not anymore.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Read on to know
This is why I blog (before I forget):
Jerilyn: Mummy, Mummy, Mummy. Last time Po Po* and Gong Gong push the car.
I was flabbergasted. Yes. I remember my parents telling a similar incident but she couldn't be anything more than 2yo when it happened. How could she recall? I asked more to know how much she remembers.
Mummy: Where were you?
Jerilyn: In the car.
Mummy: Why didn't you help Po Po push the car?
Jerilyn: Because it is dangerous.
Mummy: Where is gong gong?
Jerilyn: Inside the car.
The whole conversation took place in the car while we came home. I was astonished why and made her bring it up out of the blue. Hubby and I looked at each other. I told him this is not the first time she talked about my mother. Moreover, at most of the time, she would say something err.... weird.
* At this point, I said to myself. There she goes again. Talking about Po Po. I paid particular attention when she came to this word because she would say something err... weird. :D
That night, in the bed, I provoked her to talk about it again. She added more information such as Po-Po pushed the car slowly and she didn't know why the car didn't move, something was wrong with the car.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Proud Mother
I have another few days to prepare Jesslyn (2y8m) for kindy next year. For the past 4 weeks, I haven't taught her much other than writing letters. She can actually write very fast if she puts her heart into it. Today, she wrote N, O, L, I, H. Yesterday, was P, T, R, Z. But, when she is not listening, she cannot even draw a line. Yesterday, I used more than 10 minutes to force her (I know I shouldn't) to match a picture with its word. Her reading skills are as follows:
lion, cat, car, cup, dog, mummy, daddy, door, fan, fish etc...
This kid is an audio learner where she learns through listening. According to research, less than 20% of the people are audio learners. I guess this is why until now, she cannot identify animals. She can recite Multiplication for 3, 4 and 5 in Mandarin after listening to Daddy for not more than 10 times each.
She is also a Tell-tale. She can recall and convey her experiences easily. For example, when we fetched her from MIL's house, she told us this "Small go-go (age 8) cried like this 'weh weh weh... because he fight with the big go-go." I asked hubby to confirm with MIL if it really happened. She can create stories, reasons, excuses in split second. I wonder if she needs to think at all. Most of the time, she will provide reasons without being asked. For example, "I don't want to eat this because it is lat-lat." "I want to go swimming (shower) because I am smelly." "Eee... I dont want that (insect) because it will bite me like this armm... armmm.... armm..."
We are used to her authoritarian style too. She would be the one who tell us what to do esp her sister. Today, she saw a scribble on the book. I told her that it was Jerilyn's doing. She asked "Why did you draw this?" No answer. "Tell me. Why did you draw this, Jie2?" She'd ask til she gets an answer.
She is selfish as she doesn't share. When JErilyn peeps to see what she is doing, Jesslyn would stick her face to the book and push her sister away. THese are the things she would say: Do your work. You haven't finished your work. Go go go, quickly. Don't disturb me. Mummy, you see. She is disturbing me." She doesn't defend her sister when I beat Jerilyn. She will stay away quietly and then come to you in a very affectionate manner. Instead, she helps me to reprimand her sister "I told you. Don't ... Mummy will scold." or "Don't cry. Nah, tissue paper."
She is the keh poh in the family. "Aiyo! Look at the floor. There are so many ants." "Aiyo! What have you done?" "Aiyo, don't touch my .... You are spoiling it." When I scolded her dad, she copied what Jerilyn would say "Don't scold Daddy. If you scold Daddy, you go out. I don't love you anymore. I love Daddy. You love Jie2."
She is the honey of the family. Honey because she attracts attention in the public. People like to tease, play and talk to her as she has a beautiful smile and face, she talks interestingly and simply attractive.
Jerilyn, on the other hand, is a Thinker. She likes to solve puzzles and play with tools. She is more discipline. I am much tougher on her as compared to Jesslyn. I make her sit and do her work. She is the peace-maker. When an argument breaks out, she will be the first who reminds us not to argue. She shouted back "Why you shout at Daddy?" or "Don't talk to Gong-Gong like that." That usually makes us cool down immediately. She is nostalgic. many things remind them of my mother. Yesterday, I was telling them about a dying dog. Jerilyn said immediately "The dog is dying like Po-Po? Is the dog going to stay with Po-Po?"
The kids complement each other. Through Jesslyn, Jerilyn is more chatty and brave in public. Before Jesslyn learned to talk, Jerilyn was quiet and although she was playful. Now, she talks like an adult. On the other hand, Jerilyn taught Jesslyn to be more kinetic and creative with her hands.
I am proud of them. For their age, they are very mature. More so when I compare them with other kids (I know I shouldn't). I don't have to worry when we go shopping. They do run around but I still love shopping with them. They are independent eg wear their own shoes, carry stuff for us and get up and down the car themselves. They seldom cry in public. They never argue or fight in public. They stop other children whom they think are not behaving correctly. They reminds me of important things.
- When I give Jerilyn milk, she reminds me to add medication.
- When I forgot to lock the gate, Jesslyn reminded me.
- When I left out a clothe from Jerilyn's school bag, she reminded me.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Pre-Food Poisoning
I had planned to go to Penang. Why Penang? The last time I went there was 3 years ago. I have always wanted to go back there but there is no reason. Reason? Do I need a reason? Yup. Because hubby does not like Penang. We always have issues in Penang. The trips to Penang usually ended up in arguments. So, anyway, this time, I persuaded him to go because I wanted (the kids) to meet The Smurfs. They were going to Penang from 27-29 August. I love(d) the smurfs. The kids know them, not like them. I booked a room at Berjaya Hotel 2 weeks before the event. Everything went smoothly until the night before my last day of work.
Food Poisoning
At about 1am, Jerilyn vomited again. And again after about half an hour. And again. And again. And again. I lost count how many times she threw up. By 3am, we couldn't take it anymore. Daddy took her to the clinic again where the dr advised us to give her medicine each time she threw up and wrote a referral letter in case we want to admit her. The ordeal continued 'til 5am I guess.
The next day, I went to work like Zombie while Daddy took the day off. I came home at 2pm, praying for good news. Unfortunately, Jerilyn threw up twice that morning which means we had to take the last resort. Hospitals, the place I hate the most. Don't we all?
We gathered whatever necessary and headed for Pantai Hospital an hour later. This was the first time Jerilyn was sent to a hospital. As we knew no pediatrician, a Dr Lee HT was recommended. The doctor diagnosed her as 'suspected food poisoning.' She was on drip. The first night was 'relaxing' for me. Imagine doing nothing other than making sure that Jerilyn was comfortable in bed and looking out of the busy traffic outside the window. To my relief, she only vomited once and her condition stabilised towards the night.
We snuggled together in her bed for the 2 nights. I tried sleeping on the lazy chair but there was no way I could have a good night sleep with a mosquito (or 2) hovering over my feet. At one time, a nurse jostled me but what I came face to face with was a heavy leg on my chest. I wondered if the nurses laughed at that embarrassing sight. While I took care of her for 2 nights, Jesslyn was sent to my ever ready MIL.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Post Food Poisoning
However, my hopes were dashed when I heard that Mei2 threw up 4x the night before and Daddy himself didn't look good. He plonked his head on the hospital bed himself while waiting for the bill. At home, he practically dropped dead on the living room floor which he hadn't done before. Thank God Mei2 was tough. She was bubbly as usual except for her poor appetite.
On Sunday, we were still undecided whether to go on with our plan or not. Went out for breakfast. Coincidentally, we bumped into my dad and aunts thus we had dim sum together. Hubby's appetite was back. Jerilyn's was ok. I, on the other hand, couldn't eat.
It was after 11am when we finished our breakfast. I couldn't stand mulling over whether we should go or not. I told my driver that we would pack our bags and go . We packed our bags and left by less than 1pm. Before we left, I had diarrhea.
We reached Berjaya Hotel at 3pm. Everything went well. It started to pour when we opened the room's curtain. The room however was a disappointment despite paying RM220/night. Another lesson learnt: Never trust what you see online.
We rested and headed for Gurney Plaza by 6pm. We did not know how far is the plaza but were pleasantly surprised to see the magic word (Gurney) only 2 blocks away. Our mission was to meet and take a photo with The Smurfs. So, we searched high and low for the event venue the moment we stepped out of the car. I thought it would be easy to find. How big can a shopping mall be, right? It took us half an hour to spot it. I hurriedly grabbed 2 clothes at Voir for the kids for RM71. In order to take a photo with The Smurfs, we need to purchase a minimum of RM50 worth of merchandise in any outlets. Thank God the line was not long and every photo shoot only took 30 secs.
After the photo shoot, I suddenly felt wobbly and breathless. I had to put down Jesslyn who suddenly seemed a few kilos heavier. I thought the virus must be attacking me, just like how it attacked Daddy. I needed to sit badly. We quickly looked for a cafe and ordered our dinner - 2 plates of rice for 4people. Half the plate was left uneaten. Jesslyn and I didn't touch the food at all. I turned in early that night.
The next day, it was raining when I woke up. Did it rained the whole night? I felt much better. I even managed to finish half a plate of fried keow teow. Only Jesslyn still distant herself from solid food. The rain and the uncomfortable bodies made us not very adventurous. We shopped at Queensbay Mall til we were tired, which did not take long to happen and came back home in the late evening.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Short comments
A week or two back, I uploaded a video of Jesslyn reciting Multiplication of 2. And now, she can recite Multiplication of 3. Hubby was just reading in a sing song manner for 6-7 times and before we knew it, Jesslyn could recite herself.
Jerilyn was doing some colouring exercise. When it came to radish, I asked her to colour it white. Her immediate response was "This is white, alright. So, leave it!" with both her hands held high, in sarcasm. You see, the paper has a white background. Thus, the unnecessary extra work to colour the radish white.
Friday, July 15, 2011
It was a historical night for me because weaning off the fingers means freedom for me. Imagine having to let your fingers being twisted and squeezed every night til she falls asleep? Other times, she pulls your nails til it cause pain. Now, I am a free sleeper!
This is so easy
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
More about Jesslyn... opps
She is also an expert in avoiding working on her books. To buy time, she'll ask me numerous questions (to confirm the answer) before she draws on the paper. For example, "Mummy, is it like this? Mummy, I draw here? I use this pencil?" I must say that I am bias for not being tough on her as I would be on Jerilyn for wasting time. Normally, she would say that the exercise is difficult. One day, she completed a maze within seconds and said "Mummy, you see? This is easy." However, I did not tell her that she got it wrong. Look at the far right. At first, she used a pencil. Then, a red marker.

She does not like her sister to touch her stuff. This includes her Sesame Street schoolbag. One day, she scolded her sister " Wei... wei....wei(in Chinese)... don't spoil my school bag.... Always spoil my school bag." and snatched the bag away. Same goes with many other things, the moment her sister holds an item, she snatches it and claims "I want to use it."
A mini fun-fair has been set-up recently near my in-laws place. Upon seeing it, she said "Wow! Look at the merry-go-round. It is so big. I want to go to the playground." I told her "It's fun-fair, not playground." She replied immediately "I THOUGHT it's playground?" I was surprised she knows this bold word. Other than that, she used 'actually' as in "ACTUALLY, I want that. " when I asked her "Do you want this?"
I don't think attending school next year would be a problem for her as she loves to send Jerilyn to school every morning. Leaving her in the car means tantrums from her. She loves to see the teachers; calling them and waving at them. One day, she said to her Jie2 "Be careful" at the school gate and turned around. How touching! I swear I have never said that to Jerilyn before while sending her to school.
She adds SILLY to reprimand anyone for doing the 'wrong' thing. For example, "Daddy didn't take this, silly boy." "Mummy, you silly girl. You ...." "Why you turn here? You silly boy."(Daddy used another route instead of the usual route.
In addition to her list of cheeky answers, she knows 'Sam Chi Keng' (something to do with Chinese proverbs), and a few 'adult' songs. The songs are: You are my Sunshine and Sealed with a Kiss. She only needs to listen to a song or anything melodious a few times and 'snap', she can sing. She is the one who corrects Jerilyn singing.
The video below shows her ability to read multiplication(x2) in Mandarin.
The picture below is her work. When she uses the pencil, the lead easily breaks. I do not allow her to use the 'magic colour' because she will end up pushing the sticks in. 2 unusable magic colours is too much for me! As you can see from the left picture below, she is quite detailed when colouring. She chooses the spots to colour. Unlike Jerilyn who just sweeps the colours across the pictures. Moreover, she has better control as she doesn't colour out of line as badly as Jerilyn.

Sunday, June 26, 2011
Jesslyn on the Piano
Although Jesslyn cannot play any music piece, but I see potential in her. First of all, her feminine, good look gives me the 'I am a musician' impression. Excuse me for being superficial. Secondly, she has quite good control of her fingers when she taps on the keys. She can press from one key to another with her thumb, up to the fourth finger without overlapping. Thus, the clear, distinct sounds. She is only 2+ years old.
Jerilyn too has the potential as she knows how to improvise. The Happy Birthday piece I downloaded begins with G note. However, after I removed the letters on the keys, she started playing her own way. She uses C note. Very creative.
Filial Girl
For instance, recently, my dad's blood pressure shot up because of the stress from baby-sitting the kids. I told her that if she continues to be naughty, Gong2 won't take care of her. Her eyes were red when I said that. Since then, she has been 'less naughty'. She also told me that she is good and hasn't made Gong2 sick lately.
Because of this too, I have requested my in-law to take care of the kids once a week so that my dad can take more rest. Other than that, Hubby and I have taken turns to apply leave from work more often. Actually, hubs company is experiencing a slowdown in business, thus, the forced leave. Anyway, it's a blessing in disguise. So, one day, while my dad was driving her to her grandma's place, she asked "where is Mei2?" When she knew that her sister was already in the grandma's place, she didn't want to go. My dad was curious why. She explained "Ah Mar is old. She cannot take care of two kids." Dad was surprised. So was I. I thought, if my late mother knows how filial her grand-daughter is, she would surely be very pleased.
'Til now, my mum is still very much alive in my household. The kids often talk and sing about her. Birthday songs are dedicated to her, gifts are often said to be presented to her etc...
Last week, she asked again "Why do you cry Mummy? Why do you always cry-Po2, Po2?.... I also always think about Po2 but I don't cry..... Dont cry Mummy. Po2 is not happy if you cry."
I had given a journal topic to my students, which I myself wish it happens "If I could turn back time..."
Friday, June 17, 2011
1. Jerilyn wanted to play with something but I did not allow. This was what she said "Don't play... don't play. Next time, I don't want to give you ang pow." I assume that she won't give me any 'allowance' when I am old and frail.
2. they wanted to use the tub for bathing which I did not allow. Jesslyn said "Next time, you don't swimming(bathe) me. I don't want you to swim me. I want Daddy swimming me." I was more than happy to hear that. haha.... However, hubs was still in the office. So, they were forced to bathe with me.
This morning, Jerilyn looked dull so I tried to lighten the mood "Hello, pretty." Her answer "Hello, ugly" Not angry.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
New Song
After playing the same song for two weeks, I have tried to introduce a new song to Jerilyn - Rain, rain, Go Away.
After struggling for a few times, she went back to Happy Birthday because that's the song she can play. She boasted that she does not need the notes anymore. It's amazing how interest can motivate her so much to play it by heart. Yes, she can play the song by just looking at the keys with 1 or 2 wrong keys.
So, we turned back and forth between the two songs. I tried to teach her fingering and reading notes. When she could not use the right finger, I started to raise my voice and when I did, she began to shut off from me. Looking down, not listening, no response.... I knew that we(to be exact, I) had to stop. So, the 2 of us sat quietly for a moment. After 1 minute, I encouraged her to try again. She did.
I was wondering why she had to use finger 1 and 5 (she should use 5th and then 4th)to move from G to F notes. The most possible answer is that she could only coordinate her fingers this way. Thus, I told myself to let her use any fingers at the moment. I reminded myself that she is only 4. Therefore, I only taught her how to read notes. Not bad for the first day, she knows and remembers which are F and D notes. She is able to memorise 40% of the song too. i think she prefers to memorise playing than to learn reading the notes. Whichever way, I am happy she is playing.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
"Jie2, I said thank you to you." After a while, she repeated again. This time louder. The same sentence was repeated 4 times and each time, it was louder and more firm. I could not take it 'til I had to call out to Jerilyn "She is talking to you." to which Jerilyn said softly "Ok Mei2." Jesslyn was not satisfied with the answer "Jie2, I said thank you to you." This time, Jerilyn too raised her voice and that shut Mei2 up.
This is Jesslyn. The loudest, firmest person in the family. I am not sure if I have jotted this down but when
1. she was on the phone with Daddy and she could not hear him, she put up her index finger over her mouth "SHHH... SHHH... SHHHH.... I cannot hear.", walking around as if she was having a million dollar business conversation. Sometimes, she complains about either one of us not letting her take the call.
2. I asked her not to take out all the books from the drawer. She replied angrily "I just want to see."
3. I asked both of them to keep their toys before we went out for dinner. Jesslyn ordered her sister after a while "Jie2, you keep. Quickly before Mummy beat you. There, another one. Quickly." Jerilyn did not utter a word while frantically put everything in a bucket. All she wanted was to go out.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Little Mozart
We left, determined not to take any music lessons from this academy. From then, I was also determined to teach Jerilyn to play a piece. :p Thanks to the teacher, my kid is playing her first song after 2 weeks of practice. I want to prove that she is wrong. Kids at 4 can play. Some argued that the basic knowledge of fingering and keys are important and one should start with that. They may be right but without the interest, it will take double the time to learn that. Therefore, I started my kid with a song she is familiar with.
Initially, I only gave her one of my old books and never bothered to really show her how to play - which key, which finger. Then, I realised without a purpose, she would not learn. Now, she has a purpose to play ie that is to play for her Ah Yee and grandma.
This will make fingering lessons easier. Gambateh!
1st song
I got the idea of writing the notes on the keys after watching a friend's video in FB. After 2 weeks, this is what Jerilyn can play.
I am quite satisfied with her progress although the timing is not accurate. The very next day after this recording. she practised on playing without reading the notes.
She is very motivated to learn this song after I told her that her Ah Yee's birthday is fast approaching and she can play the song to her. (Hope Daddy is not offended as his birthday is half a month sooner than Ah Yee's). Other than that, she is more than happy to play for her grandma. At first, she complained that the piano is too big and heavy to bring to her Ah Ma's house to which I replied that we could record it down instead. Thus, working hard on the keyboard since last week.
Enjoy the not-so-perfect song.
2nd Chance

Can you see the cross? Jerilyn was marked wrong for 'wrong' match for BM paper. There is an extra line from the picture yoyo to the ball.
As a lecturer, I might have done the same to teach the student a lesson so that they would be more careful in their test. But, as a mother, I felt that I have to fight for my kid's interest. More importantly, she got the answer - drawing a line from the picture to the word. If the line was from 1 picture to 2 words or 2 pictures to a word, it's wrong. In this case, it's just a picture to another.
Hubby told me to let it be. If I were to let it be, I don't think I can sleep for nights. So, I wrote a note to the teacher. After two days, the teacher returns the paper with the amendment. No more complaints.
Friday, June 3, 2011
First Assessment
Bahasa Malaysia 96%(100% after amendment)
English 96%
Mandarin 100% (this is questionable)
Mathematics 96%
Science 100%
Moral 100%
When she showed me her first paper, which was the Science paper, I was overwhelmed with delight. Although I expected her to do well in all her subjects but seeing the red '100' on a test paper has a magical effect on not only me I believe but on all parents.
I have a feeling I am going to be one of those 'kiasu' Malaysians even though I do not wish to be like them. I do not want to compare who scores higher marks, who has more 'A's, who is in the 'smart' class and who is not and who is number 1 in the class. Competition is good only if parents do not demoralise any kids. There are parents who compare and condemn their own children for not doing as well as the cousin or friend.
Ops... there I go again judging other parents.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
What your child wants?
So, what do children want? Very simple, they just want someone to talk with; someone who will listen to them instead of being talked to. Yes, they want toys, they want branded goods and lots of money to spend. But, more importantly, they want the parents attention. Most of my students' parents work out-station and hardly have time for their kids. Thus, the kids end up spending most of their time in front of the idiot box from day to night. Ironically, parents often complain that their children do not speak to them. Some of my students wish to own dogs because they are lonely and need something to talk with. How sad. Why is this happening?
I have seen parents who lavish their kids with the latest gadgets from PS2 to iphones to ipads. Apparently, ipads are educational. It may be if it is used wisely. You do not just throw a gadget to your kid and allow her to spend hours with it without any human communication. To me, it's an excuse for the parent to be left alone.
A recent part-time Indonesian maid told me that she has been here for 6 years. I asked her why hasn't she gone home. Her reason was she wants to save for her daughter. How old is the daughter? I was expecting a teenage girl but No... she is only 7, which means that the mother has left the daughter back home soon after her 1st birthday. To me, it's very sad that the mother thinks that money can replace her when the child needs her most. I was very direct with her (though it was only our 1st encounter) that although money is important but the mother's presence is more important and she cant earn all the money in the world.
In another case, a mother was showing her teenage girl news about how run-away teenagers made their parents sad. The mother was hoping that her daughter would understand her mother's point of view. In response, the daughter said "If a child runs away, it's the parents' doing." When the mother told everyone in her family, they pitied her and thinks that the daughter is wrong. On the other hand, I agree with the child. [You should see my husband's response when I agreed.] Just because the girl said that doesn't mean she is bad. Some parents cannot accept the fact that they have done wrong or they are the ones who pushed their children away. This particular mother has always been authoritarian and harsh on her kids. She often complains about her children to relatives IN FRONT of the kid. To me, it's wrong because kids nowadays have very thin skin. They want respect and be treated like an adult. As the saying goes, 'do not wash your dirty linen in public.' Recently, she has transferred her teenage daughter to another school because a guy in school has been sms-ing her day and night. The mother could not stop the sms-ing thus she transferred her. I was shocked upon hearing this. How many schools can you jump to? This is running away - running away from facing the problem. I wish I know about this earlier so that I can talk to the mother. When the opportunity comes, I hope I can enlighten her before another kid runs away from home.
Friday, May 27, 2011
- Recently, she has more interest in writing and I took this opportunity to teach her. She could write 'H', 'E' and 'J'. She claims that she can write 'A' and 'N' but you won't be able to recognise the letters. :)
- She can trace dotted lines very well.
- She can recognise number 1-10 now (finally).
- Talking is still her favourite activity. You give her a book with pictures, she can relate a story based on the picture. At the same time, she asks "Why?" You give her a book with words, she tells you a story as if she is really reading.
- she has good memory. One morning, she learnt to write 'E' and I nonchalantly asked her after work what had she learnt to write that morning. She could tell me almost instantly 'E'.
- She has no interest in reading yet in the sense that she cannot recognise a single word. Occasionally, she strikes the word 'cat' and 'dog'.
- can read and write in English pretty well.
- knows less than 20 chinese characters.
- has interest in learning Bahasa Malaysia. As her English is strong, she has no problem learning pronunciation and recognising BM words.
- able to do very basic calculations involving numbers below 5.
- She lies when she has done something wrong. She puts the blame on Jesslyn most of the time.
- She has the habit of putting things into her mouth and nibbling them.
- She is stubborn as a mule; a rebel esp when I am tough on her.
Friday, May 20, 2011
New semester
- They play hang-man using the skipping rope from the stairs.
- They squeezed half a packet of sweetened drink onto the floor.
- Although being told to stop taking too much M&Ms, the kids turned a deaf ear on him and in less than a week, they finished almost 200g of it.
- They threw stuff into the toilet bowl ie broken crayons and paper stars. Nadi, sorry to say this but Jerilyn broke the glittering crayons.
- Jerilyn played with water for more than 10minutes. She claimed to be washing the bottle.
- They open the fridge for countless times every day.
Dad is loud... but he is not firm. How to tell him that?
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Trip to Sydney (Week 2)
25/4/2011 - Day 8
A drizzly day. In the morning, we took the kids to a park where they fed the ducks. Simple activity like this can make their day and I am happy with their new experience.
In the afternoon, Nana took me (Yup! Me alone) to Parramatta Shopping Centre, leaving the kids and Daddy at home while grandpa visited his sister. I spent and spend I did. More clothes for everyone, books, toys and easter egg chocs. Purchasing power here is quite high. You can get wearable clothes for the price as low as AUD10/pc. A large Mocha at Gloria Jeans only cost less than AUD6.
26/4/2011 - Day 9
Another drizzly day. We had to change our plan from going to the city to Westfield Shopping Centre. Although Parramatta looks more exclusive than Westfield, its prices are more affordable than Westfield's. No wonder there are more shoppers at Parramatta. Didn't buy much but it wasn't all lost and no gain. Jerilyn saw Ben 10 mascot today. She heard of Ben 10 but never a fan. All of a sudden, she is a fan of Ben 10. Haha...
27/4/2011 - Day 10
When we left the apartment, it was already drizzling. However, by hook or by crook, we had to compete our itinerary. We took a train down to the city to the Aquarium and Wildlife. From outside, they were nothing to desire about but once you are in, you get some pretty surprises. Here are some photos:
28/4/2011 - Final Day
Being the final day, we relaxed at home and did some final shopping. I don't know how cheap are vitamins in Australia but Dad bought kilos of them. My luggage was packed with chocolates (>10kg) and cosmetics. Overall, our luggage was more than 90kg.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Trip to Sydney (Week 1)
We took the 1.30 bus from Ipoh to LCCT. It stopped at KLIA and finally reached LCCT at 5pm+. Took a simple, yet extremely spicy dinner. Boarded the plane at 9.30pm. The kids didn't give any problems except when they were awaken in the middle of their sleep. Jesslyn woke up at 2am when most of the passengers were also snoozing. Imagine a scene when the sleeping draculas come alive one by one, putting their heads up. She quietened down after a long 5minutes. About an hour later, it was Jerilyn's turn. My biggest worry was if Jesslyn pee in her pants. You see. her last pee was at 7pm in LCCT. Thank God she did not have any urge until we landed at Coolangatta Airport, Gold Coast at 7am. Phew!
To cut the story short (I have 8 days to update), we arrived at Sydney International Airport after dusk. Talking about it, I wish our journey starts now as I am blogging. Ahhh.....
18/4/2011 - Day 1
After travelling for 2 days, Nana planned a relaxing, easy-going itinerary for us. We shopped at DFO shopping mall. Being the 'must buy' type, I bought 2 books and 4 sets of clothes for the kids. I was surprised how cheap the books are over here. Mind you, the books are made of good quality papers ie hard cover or glossy, which is exactly what my naughty kids need. The content is also commendable.
19/4/2011 - Day 2
The highlight of the d

20/4/2011 - Day 3
Good weather. We took a
21/4/2011 - Day 4
By Day 4, sis had sore throat and a slight fever. It was a quiet day for us to recharge. The kids too, did not want to go out.
22/4/2011 - Day 5
WE went to Sydney's Fish Market. As it's Good Friday, which means it's a public holiday, the market was super crowded(according to BIL). The sellers are mostly Chinese. There was a variety of seafood, the size 3-4times bigger than the ones we can get in Malaysia.
Shopping day which is also my favourite day. Nana took us to Parramatta Shopping Centre. I didnt buy much as the kids were not very cooperative that day. I bought some children's clothes from Target and some books. However, sis Nana marked a few shops that I must visit the next time I go.
In the evening, we gathered at a relative's house. I was looking forward to this gathering as the last time I met cousin Susan, both of us were not married yet. Now, she has a girl and a boy who coincidentally were born in the same years as my kids.
24/4/2011 - Day 7
So far, the weather has been extremely good to us. Sis Nana said it had been raining almost every day the week before we came. Today, we took 2 ferries to Manly Beach mainly because we bought a Explore 4 in 1 package that includes Manly Oceanworld. The package cost AUD50/person. The other 3 items are Sydney Tower (done), Sydney Aquarium and Sydney Wildlife. The Manly Oceanworld was a letdown. There were not variety of sea creatures. Its main attractions are the sharks and turtles. One particular turtle swims 2 times faster than the sharks. Those sharks must be as old as the aquarium.
The beach is welcoming. Jerilyn especially, loves it. It was the 2nd time Jerilyn had been to a beach and played with sand. As we are not frequent beach goers, Jerilyn and Jesslyn only sat and filled their bucket with sand. Simple as it is, the kids did not seem to mind the
'game'. I must compliment its fine, smooth, sandy sand.

I was guilty I only allowed the kids to enjoy the beautiful sand for less than half an hour. We had no choice as we had to cover the Opera House as well. I was not very keen about seeing the Opera House as to me, it's just a building but as the saying goes 'Not visiting [this landmark] means not visiting Sydney.' There are some cool pics of the kids as shown below:

Saturday, March 26, 2011
- She asked for a pencil and I gave her a colour pencil, she scolded "Hey, I said pencil what?!"
- I asked her to pass a paper to her sister, her reply was "You take it. I am holding a pen."(both her hands were occupied).
- Jerilyn snoops at her at work, she instructed (just like the way I do) "You do your work."
- She scribbled her own flesh and asked "Eh? Who did this?" I pretended to be ignorant to which she proudly said "It's me!"(pointing at herself)
- She seeks attention by making sure that her pitch is 1-2 levels higher than us esp when we are engrossed in conversations.
- She doesnt like to be disturbed when doing her big business. She says "Dont disturb me. I want to poo-poo. Go away."
Monday, March 14, 2011
Random Thoughts
Jerilyn can be quite a persistent salesperson. About a week ago, Jesslyn was down with flu. At first, I let it be hoping that the flu would subside itself but after a week, we decided to bring her to the dr. She was given some syrup and as expected, she didnt want it. All of us tried to coax her into taking including Jerilyn. This was what Jerilyn said: "It's delicious Mei2. Yummy. See. I also drink." Jerilyn took a sip from the cup and put he thumb up. After a few tries, Mei2 bought her idea. Jerilyn added "Drink it. It's ribena." (Yup, the syrup was red like ribena). I am amazed how persuasive Jerilyn can be.
Jesslyn learned some of Jerilyn's skills including persuading people. However, her's is more like commanding than persuading. For example, the time when Jerilyn had an ulcer in her mouth and medicine was necessary to heal the ulcer. Since young, she was afraid of it and I had to use force every time I applied it. When it was time for her to spit, Jesslyn taught her sister what to do "Spit. spit ar. spit into the basin..... ah... good. ok. good girl. spit. add some water."
In this house, the two girls are bossy in their own way and time. When it is playtime, Jerilyn, who is more innovative, will lead the game and tell Jesslyn what to do. When it is 'I want it this way moment", it's Jesslyn's turn to tell her sister what to do.
As for academic development, Jerilyn hasn't learnt much from school. I believe the kindy doesn't emphasize on academic achievement. Generally, so far, she has learnt to write A to G, counting and writing 1-3 and few lines in Mandarin, which of course she knows very well. I am not very satisfied lessons are carried in the sense that kids at this age should be given more input than output. So far, there is not much story-telling, nursery rhymes and reading. Before they write, they should be taught to read. In conclusion, I am sending her to another kindy next year. At the moment, I have to make up to the kindy's shortfall.
Jesslyn has just begun to show interest with alphabet and numbers. She still cant recognise all the 26 letters but she has more interest now. When we go out and she spots a 'F', she will point to us.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
For Memory
THOugh busy, I must spare a bit of time to jot this:
1. When I said I want to put on a mask, Jerilyn said "No. No. No. I dont want to see a lion."
2. Whn I wrapped my hair with a towel after a shower, Jesslyn said "Eh! You look like a pig."
3. When I told Jerilyn not to rub her dirty hands against her face or pimples would grow on her face, she askd "Just like you?"
Thursday, January 27, 2011
4th Birthday
This was our plan for Jerilyn's birthday:
26th - Dinner at Secret Reciple because it has everything we want - scrumptious food, cake and ice-cream.
27th - Drive up to Genting Highlands and spend 2 nights on the hill. The highlights would be the Theme Park of course. But this time, it would be more fun as Jesslyn is old enough to know what is going on around her. The last time we went, she only joined the rides but seemed oblivious to them. I can imagine how they will scream and laugh this time. Even riding on sloopy and winding roads in our car give them the thrill.
29th - Return to Ipoh and prepare for CNY.
This was what happened:
26th night - Dinner at Ye'olde English because Secret Recipe doesn't offer any main courses that Jerilyn likes. However, our experience at Ye'olde English was a disappointment AGAIN. Yup. Made the same mistake.
27th - Jerilyn went to school. Daddy went to work for more than 12hours and Mummy attended a meeting in the college. We cut the cake in the evening and had dinner with Gong Gong.
28th - Got up at 8am and got ready. Eve
Everyone was ready except dear Daddy. He had to prepare an urgent report. The 3 of us waited patiently. At 9am, he received a call from his mother saying that his SIL passed away. Daddy wanted to cancel the trip but I persuaded him to go. We can drive down to JB after our trip to Genting. He relented. Phew! So, we packed for another day. Started our journey at 10am. Reached there at 2pm. It was one of the coldest experience there. So cold that none of us had our shower that day. The theme park outdoor was closed because of the mist. We paid RM88 for indoor. Went on a couple of train-like rides, carousel, ferris-wheel and the gondola. Even Jerilyn said "This train is so slow." This was how much fun we had. :-) Nevertheless, the kids are happy with the outing.
29th - Headed down to JB and returned to Ipoh the next day. These 2 days alone, we spent > 8hours in the car, ONE way. Thank god the kids did not give me any problems. The kids were at their sweetest in JB and got plenty of compliments from relatives. Another Phew!
Home Sweet Home alas, I asked Jerilyn which she prefers, hotel or home. She answered hotel. Why? Because there is no air-cond downstairs at home. Hmm....
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Meaningful Remarks

I came back from a new hairstyle and this was what they have to say: Jerilyn "Mummy, you look like a woman. You better stay at home and don't go out. People will laugh at you." Jesslyn "Why is your hair so messy, mummy?" The photo attached was taken a day after I permed my hair. It isn't so bad, is it?
But when Daddy came home with a new haircut, it was a different story. Jerilyn "Wah! Look at the handsome boy! The handsome boy is back."
At the petrol station, Daddy took a phone call and Jerilyn said to him "Daddy, you naughty boy." After a while, "You naughty handsome boy."Other than that, Jerilyn criticised her teacher twice for 'bad' handwriting. Once, she claimed that '2' looks like '6'. Another time, she claimed the 'LY' in her name looks like 'M'.
My dad told me about his conversation with Jerilyn. It sounds something like this:
Jerilyn: I want to go home to see Mummy.
Gong2: Mummy is at school.
Jerilyn: No. Mummy is not at school. She is not young anymore. She is working. She is an adult.
At home, she took the broom and swept from the masterbedroom, down the stairs and into the dustpan. She told my dad this: Gong2, I am so clever. I sweep the floor because I make Mummy happy.
The best so far is this: "Eh? Why is your UGLY face so PRETTY?" said Jesslyn to Jerilyn.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Weaning off the Pacifier
With Jesslyn, I told myself that I must wean her off during this semester break while I am on holiday. There is no better time than this when Hubby is away on a business trip. Yesterday night, I told her there is no 'chut chut' (as we call it). Surprisingly, she only grumbled "I want chut chut. I want chut chut." a couple of times and twisted and turned for less than 5minutes before she dozed off. It was too easy. :p Why didn't I stop giving her earlier?