I am not one of those who would spend time brainstorming for a birthday celebration. For me, the best way to celebrate a birthday is to eat out and buy a cake. Hassle free.
Firstly, Daddy took the initiative to take a day off from work to accompany the birthday girl. Both of them went to McD for breakfast while Jerilyn and I routinely do what we had to do. They spent the rest of the morning at granny's place who gave her an angpow. Oh! My dad gave her an angpow too on the previous day. When I returned in the evening, we prepared for our simple yet satisfying outing.
The moment we climbed into the car, Jerilyn bugged me to get a cake immediately. Dad and I didn't give in to her whims and pleas. We headed for Momo Cafe in Greentown. The reason why we chose this place is because we have an expiring RM10 voucher and i don't want to waste it. We sat and ordered our favourites: Me-lamb chop, dad-fried rice and the girls-spaghetti. All come in sets. Nope. Not going to elaborate about food.
I was ready to forgo the cake if the girls didn't mention. Unfortunately, Jerilyn said it again the moment we stepped into the car. It looked like we couldn't escape from it.
At the bakery, I was scrutinizing the small cakes (approx 500gm) while Jerilyn was eyeing the big ones. I asked Jesslyn to choose one of the small ones. However, Jerilyn was fast to comment that they are too small. After a minute (which seemed like a long times esp the salesgirl was standing next to us) of negotiation, Jesslyn finally chose the choc cake. Jerilyn again gave her precious opinion. She wanted the fresh fruit cake. Since it was Jesslyn's big day, Daddy said it's Jesslyn's choice (only the small cakes pls). :) Jerilyn continued that the cakes are too small and that there is no space for candles. We confirmed our purchase. Surprisingly how kids can forgive and forget so easily. One moment she was complaining, the next, she was as happy as a clown. Both were skipping happily and sang the undue birthday song.
We cut the cake at Ah Mar's house as Daddy wished. By the time we reached home, it was almost 11pm. Below are the pictures:
Daddy and I only spent on the food. We didn't get her a gift or angpow. How unthoughtful of us. :p Most importantly, she has our blessings and love all year round. [excuse to make me feel better]. Ar... just remember - Ah Yee too gave a handsome angpow.
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