Thursday, January 5, 2012


After their first day at Montessori on Tuesday, Jerilyn succumbed to fever, which means she hasn't been attending classes since Day 2. To my surprise, Jesslyn is willing to stay in school when the principal requested my dad to take Jerilyn home. According to my dad, she did look slightly unhappy being left behind. She waved goodbye unwillingly. At least, she didn't cry her heart out.

Here is the feedback from Ms Ling, the principal.
Day 1: Jesslyn is fast (in counting). She can count up and down.(Yup. She knows counting backwards since 2months ago) However, she is confused in writing certain numbers eg 5, 2. (What the teacher meant was she writes certain numbers in the opposite direction).
Day 4: Jesslyn has low attention span. She likes to play with apparatus but doesn't like to sit and listen. For December baby , she is fast. She can read a few words. Jerilyn is good. She is very steady.

Below is the feedback from my girls:
Day 1: Both said that they are very happy there. They like it there.
Day 2: Jesslyn could tell me what she did that day which Jerilyn couldn't do although she was near 4yo when she started schooling. She demonstrated how she danced and told us that the teacher held her hands and twirled around. When she wrote number '2' that night, it is clearer that normal. Apparently, she practised in school as well.
Day 3: Jesslyn applied her knowledge from Montessori when she read to me 'OFF' from one of her toys. She showed off "Mummy, see 'OFF'. I can read OFF." She was also humming one of the tunes she learnt there. (I wonder why/how teacher teaches this word during the 1st week).
Day 4: (Morning, when I sent her to school) Mummy, I don't want to go to Montessori. (Why) because I don't like it. (Afternoon, after school) Ms Ling commented that she isn't very happy today. When I asked her, she denied "No. I am happy." The topic 'OFF' was brought up and she explained that she taught Opposites. (Ahh... my question is answered).

I was pleasantly surprised that Jesslyn could adapt and apply what she learns in school the very same day at home. In conclusion, I am satisfied with Ms Ling's sensitivity towards her students' needs and capabilities. This is what I have been looking for and I found it. Each student has a different learning style and pace and it is important that teachers are aware to it. I am sure my girls will benefit from her.

* Although Jerilyn had only have 1 day of lesson in Montessori, she shows great interest to study there as she was quite depressed when she was sent back home due to fever.

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