Saturday, March 3, 2012

Teacher's Comments

I never had a chance to discuss about the kids with the previous kindergarten but over here, the principal welcomes any questions from the parents. She knows her students like the back of her hand and shows interest in her students.

As I paid this month's fees, I took the opportunity to gather information from her. The first thing she asked me was "Did Jerilyn say anything?" I replied that she loves school. She then, 'complained' that Jerilyn is over-confident. I was speechless. The principal continued that Jerilyn said "Teacher, this is too easy. Can you give a something more difficult?" while teaching Odds and Evens. Upon hearing that, she tested Jerilyn by pointing to 27. She said Jerilyn couldn't answer and kept quiet after that. She quickly signalled that she might have hurt the girl. I was surprise that Jerilyn was daring enough to show-off to her teachers. I thought she only shows off at home.

As for Jesslyn, she likes to watch or observe others. She is rather shy. Another surprise because I thought Jesslyn would have opened up after 2 months here. She is usually tight-lipped at the beginning but once she is comfortable with the people and the environment, she is super chatty. At home, she is the big bully. She never gives in and possessive. She is more mischievous than her sister. Probably, arrogant and unfriendly are more suitable for her.

Let's see what the principal has to say next month.

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