1. Supports her milk bottle, Sits Up - 5 months
3. Takes solid food - 6.5 months
4. First tooth - 7 months
5. Potty trained (however, it's inconsistent) - 9 months
6. Action word (bye bye, shake hands, clap hands) - 9 months
Other action words: Give FIVE, 'mei mei'(pretty), 'pa pa'(frightened), 'bau bau'(full) [within 11months]
7. Utters nan nan & ba-ba, drinks from straw, stands up with support (in fact she'd rather stand even while bathing) - 10 months
8. Walks with support (round the table & pushing anything with wheels), Feeds herself(buns, biscuits) - 11 months
9. Climbs - 11.5 months
10. Walks without support, replaces covers, scribbles, calls Daddy - 13 months
11. Calls Mummy - 14 months
12. Down with cough - 14.5 months
13. Says bye-bye(or tata) while waving and a few other words eg. no need, no more, car - 15 months
14. Runs - 16 months
15. Grows her 13th tooth, walks down a flight of stairs while holding on to the railing - 17 months
16. Kicks a ball - 18 months
17. Grows her 14th tooth, potty trained(for big business only. In fact, she doesnt use the potty but the toilet bowl. Save me lots of unnecessary cleaning.) - 19 months
18. Drinks from cup, calls po-po, feeds herself with spoon, weans off the dummy - 19.5 months
19. Grows her 16th tooth - 20 months
20. Toilet trained - 22 months
21. 12kg, Operates electrical devices for eg. turning on/off tv, opening and closing the door(she uses her body to push the door close) - 24.5 months
22. Walks down the stairs on her own, jumps - 25.5 months
23. Writes number 1 and draws circles - 26 months
24. 13kg, completes a 12pc puzzle, has the strength to open the fridge, takes showers but it may not be clean - 27 months
25. 14kg, rides a tricycle, jumps steadily with 2feet away from the floor - 29 months
36. grows her 17th tooth - 30 months