Friday, November 20, 2009

Imaginative Girl

Children are highly imaginative beings. Other than the pretend games such as cooking, driving, play house, enjoying sumptuous meals etc... Jerilyn surprised me with what she sees in things. For example
1. She drew an oblong and told me its a cucumber. After that, she added a dot and said "It's a whale" which actually did resemble a whale.
2. There were a few times when she was pooing in her potty when she called out to me excitedly "Mummy, see! Snake. See... snake.." She bent over to peep into her potty. It took me a while to understand that she was referring to her poops which looked like a snake. There were also times when she saw ice-cream shaped like poops.
3. She used to associate owls with her dad(probably because CH has got big round eyes). As she grew older, she imagined seeing things on the tree and one of the thing she saw was Daddy. Now, she says "Don't climb up the tree, Daddy" as she stares at the shadow of a spinning fan on the wall.

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