Thursday, December 25, 2008

Jerilyn's Reaction

Jerilyn visited me a day after delivery but she did not expect to see a baby next to Mummy. She looked confused and 'not very happy'. She did not call me or said anything. When I talked to her, she turned her back on me and clinged to her dad. Only after the nurse took Jesslyn back to the nursery did Jerilyn started smiling, talking, called me and even mentioned "Baby" a couple of times. Maybe wondering where did the baby go.
The next day, it was time for the baby to go home. In the hospital, Jerilyn didnt care much of the baby but only wanted to be carried. In the car, she began to have curiousity towards the stranger. She began to touch her lightly at first on the leg. Then, her hands; squeezing her a little bit. And finally, move up to her face while saying "Baby Baby".... We taught her Mei Mei, and she repeated after us. We told her she is Jie Jie and she said the same. I dont know if she is calling the baby Mei2, Jie2 and Baby all at the same time or she understands she is Jie2 and Jesslyn is Mei2.
I hope Jerilyn loves her sister and be gentle with her.

Being a Big Sister

When Jerilyn feels like being a big sister, she is or tries to be very helpful. Some of the things she does for Mei2 are:
Holding the bottle while Mummy feeds baby as if she's the 1 feeding her.
Putting on Mei2's mittens and booties.
Pushing the bottle or pacifier and even bread into Mei2's mouth.
Kissing and sayang Mei2 when asked.
Applying lotion.
Helping Mummy to take things such as napkins, bottles and pacifier when Mummy has her hands full.
I appreciate that Jerilyn is patient and helpful tho somex she can be too helpful at the wrong time and that she can continue sleeping when Mei2 cries for milk in the middle of the night. I, on the other hand, havent been very kind to Jerilyn. I am guilty of neglecting her and expecting her to be an obedient kid when she is merely a toodler who is still experimenting with her surroundings.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Jerilyn wants out

After being locked up in the house with Mummy for more than 10 days, Jerilyn couldnt be any happier when Daddy took her out. She said Gai-gai and waved Bye to me excessively. While Daddy was still dilly-dally, she was already at the door with her bag slinging from her shoulder; looking cool.
Another sign of her desperation to be out was when BIL3 n family whom she does not like very much came to visit and signal her to go gai-gai, she shyly took his hand and follow them to their car. Only at the car did she show hesitancy. Pity Jerilyn....

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Being Big Sister

When Jerilyn feels like being a big sister, she is or tries to be very helpful. Some of the things she does for Mei2 are:

Holding the bottle while Mummy feeds baby as if she's the 1 feeding her.
Putting on Mei2's mittens and booties.
Pushing the bottle or pacifier and even bread into Mei2's mouth.
Kissing and sayang Mei2 when asked.
Applying lotion.
Helping Mummy to take things such as napkins, bottles and pacifier when Mummy has her hands full.
I appreciate that Jerilyn is patient and helpful tho somex she can be too helpful at the wrong time and that she can continue sleeping when Mei2 cries for milk in the middle of the night. I, on the other hand, havent been very kind to Jerilyn. I am guilty of neglecting her and expecting her to be an obedient kid when she is merely a toodler who is still experimenting with her surroundings.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Jesslyn's Arrival

Arrival of Jesslyn
After 40 weeks of gestation and still no sign of labour, I obediently surrendered myself to ISC on 8/12/2008 morning. The necessary was done and I waited for my gynae patiently. He came at 11+am and induced me by INSERTING a tablet. I dont know why he didnt use the drip but he said that the table has a slow inducing effect. I asked hubby first to go home to prepare the house for the new baby while I waited for the effect to take place. I told him that when they put me on drip, I will sms him. After 1 hour, I declared that indeed it does have a slow inducing effect. At 1pm+, I felt the contractions. I thought it would be another 3-5 hours before my labour starts and I asked hubby not to rush. The pain got more intense. At 2.30pm, hubby came and I told him that he may have to wait quite a while. At 3.15pm, dr came again, checked and announced that the dilation was 3.5cm. He said "Ok" and left. I went to the toilet, came out and the nurse called me to another room. I didnt know that it was the delivery room until I saw the UFO spotlights. They didnt warn me that I would deliver soon and so I thought, lucky CH was here. It was 3.30pm. I asked the nurse, will they put me on the drip and of course, the answer is No. The pain got worse. The nurse told me to inform her when I feel the urge to poo and when I did, she said I was too late! Huh!? They could see the head and quickly phoned up the dr(twice). They gave me the gas and painkiller. I really wished the dr was there instead of my husband. I asked "Where is dr?" I took as much gas as possible. When the dr came, I was ready to push and pushed I did. At 4.05pm, the baby was out. The rest is history....

Jerilyn's Reaction

Jerilyn visited me a day after delivery but she did not expect to see a baby next to Mummy. She looked confused and 'not very happy'. She did not call me or said anything. When I talked to her, she turned her back on me and clinged to her dad. Only after the nurse took Jesslyn back to the nursery did Jerilyn started smiling, talking, called me and even mentioned "Baby" a couple of times. Maybe wondering where did the baby go.
The next day, it was time for the baby to go home. In the hospital, Jerilyn didnt care much of the baby but only wanted to be carried. In the car, she began to have curiousity towards the stranger. She began to touch her lightly at first on the leg. Then, her hands; squeezing her a little bit. And finally, move up to her face while saying "Baby Baby".... We taught her Mei Mei, and she repeated after us. We told her she is Jie Jie and she said the same. I dont know if she is calling the baby Mei2, Jie2 and Baby all at the same time or she understands she is Jie2 and Jesslyn is Mei2.
I hope Jerilyn loves her sister and be gentle with her.

Monday, December 1, 2008

My 2 pregnancies

Then Now
1. Morning Sickness 1st Trimester 2nd & 3rd Trimester
2. Weight Gain 17 kg 10 kg
3. Food Cravings None but couldnt stand None
fish, garlic and coffee
4. Braxton Hicks Yes No
5. Leg Cramps Yes No
6. Pelvic Pain No Yes
7. Heartburn No Yes
If you ask which is more difficult to carry, I would say this one.

Is she jealous already?

The elders said kids will be more clingy to their mothers when the mother is expecting a baby junior esp near labour. I didnt give a thought about it so much initially but lately, I notice that Jerilyn is much more 'manja' with me than usual. Calls me many more times and louder than usual, sits on my lap more, wants me to carry more, shares food and drinks with me more, hugs me more and basically wants attention and love. Is this the sign of jealousy?

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Is it time?

Even when expecting my 2nd child, I have difficulty recognising the signs of labour. Yesterday early morning, I thought my water broke. "Today is the day!" I packed my bag and was prepared to admit to the hospital. However, I didnt head for the hospital first but to the clinic for confirmation only to be told that the baby is not ready yet. My gynae's last advice was to admit myself on the 8th Dec whether there is any sign or not. It reminds me of my experience with Jerilyn. I was also told to admit myself the next day and that night, I had contractions. Will it be the same this time?

Only few days back, my sister commented that maybe I will only deliver on my wedding day. I checked the calendar and 8th Dec coincides with my wedding day according to the lunar calendar. Will it be 1 day late again this time?

Friday, November 14, 2008

Jerilyn's Habits, Likes & Dislikes

1. Likes tugging herself under the pillow or sticks her legs into a pillowcase when she sleeps.
2. Will climb up the bed with her pillow and force herself between us in the middle of the night. However, she doesnt sleep parallel with us but forms a "H" shape, which leaves us sleeping at the edge of the bed.
3. Takes any sweet, (a bit) spicy, cold or crunchy food but not in chunks, which makes her vomit. Dislikes eggs and hot food.
4. Dislikes being carried down the stairs.
5. Doesnt want assistance in building something n destroy whatever you build for her. THE DESTROYER.
6. Doesnt leave the playground once she is there. She screams and cries 'til daddy has to scoop her off the ground and be a laughing stock to the people around. She loves the slides. Ever ready to let go off her hands when we put her up.
7. Can walk slowly but steadily when I mop the floor but can be very clumsy when the floor is dry.
8. Putting back her toys most of the time. If she doesnt replaces the things, she has nothing to remove.
9. Words she use most are: 'No more', 'Oh Oh!', 'NO', 'Please', 'Good', 'Boom' and of course 'Mummy', 'Daddy', 'Po2', 'Gong', 'Ah Ma'8:00 PM | Add a comment | Permalink | Blog it

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Jerilyn sees the light

Jerilyn has been playing with blocks for months but only recently she seems to understand the rule of the game. She used to just use all her might to push the shapes into the holes but now, she can identify the shapes for each hole. Not only that. She also play stacko and remove 1 by 1 like an adult. I feel that the cause of this sudden development is because she saw how her cousins play with mahjong: stacking them into pyramids and other shapes. When she comes homes, she does the same with everything, from her toy blocks to my dad's tins.