Monday, September 28, 2009

Proud Moments

September 28
Proud moments
Every parent is proud of their children no matter how small and insignificant the kids' achievements are. I am no different.
At 9.5 months, these are the things that Jesslyn make us proud:
1. She bangs the room door if she wants out.
2. She imitates sounds from us or television. One of her favourite is the Raya song where she sings "Yaaa......".
3. She is jealous if I carry Jie2 and will cry til I carry her. When I pass Jie2 to Daddy and put her on my lap, she will call out to Jie2 "Dah, Dah" to show victory.
4. She climbs full flight of stairs and at every corner, she takes a break, grins and gives herself a victorious clap. The maid made a comment which I didnt noticed myself, ie if she needs to sit, she will turn her body so that her body is supported and she faces out.
5. She dances to music. [Look at the video].
6. When she is too short, she tip-toes to reach her target. For instance, she loves to play with the volume knob of our hifi. When she is too tall, she lowers her body to the ground to peek under the sofa or bed.
7. She says "Wah" at everything. Jerilyn only says "Wah" when she sees food on the table, which makes her grandmothers very happy.
8. She can walk with support.
9. She loves to read and write (as compared to Jerilyn)
10. It still overwhelms me to have a kid who needs Me more than anything else in the world. She is very manja. Whether happy or sad, frightened or calm, she will come to me. She likes to rub her head against something(our shoulders or the mattress. One day, I was scolding Jerilyn (very loudly) and I noticed that each time I raised my voice, she puts her head on my lap and rub, rub, rub. Imagine a dog rubbing his head on his master's lap. There was another time she laid low with her head against the mattress. Imagine a soldier lying low on the ground when in danger. She can be playing and all of a sudden, drop her head on the bed as if seeking comfort. Jesslyn's not a timid girl but she is 1 who loves to be loved openly and protected.

At 2y8m old, below ar the things I would like to jot down about Jerilyn:
1. Jerilyn can sing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, Baa Baa Black Sheep and ABC. [Well, not every word but ... pls refer to the beginning of this blog]
2. She can speak more but many 'ar's at the end of the sentences. "Dont play ar?", talking to her sis.
3. Her favourite word now is "Dragon." When she plays pretend driver/pilot, she only sees Dragon in the sky or on the road.
4. Memorable quotes:
a. "Mummy very tired? Mummy sleep first." followed by closing of the bedroom door.
b. "You still want chocolate?" which actually means I still want chocolate.
c. "Give me something" Something refers to food.
d. When I made a mistake, she goes "Hiya you." Only yesterday, I accidentally banged the door, she said "Shh.... Mei2 is sleeping. Hiya you."
5. She used to draw big circles and scribbled all over the page but now, her scribbles are as small as worms. Yet, she insists those are dragons.

I am sure you have seen/heard of siblings squabbling over trivial issues. Well, this nightmare has started to take place in my house. When 1 is occupying a toy, the other surely wants a share of it. Both would be screaming at each other. As Jesslyn cant speak, she only cries. Jerilyn says "Mei2, dont play.", "Mummy, Mei2 is playing.", "Mei2, bu yao wan.", "Mei2, go away." Naturally, I am like most parents who ask the elder to give in.

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