Sunday, July 25, 2010

My Discovery

At 19m16d, Jesslyn
1. wee-ed for the 1st time in the toilet bowl. I was so ecstactic I screamed for my hubby to watch. He exclaimed that I was too excited I could be scaring Jesslyn.
A few days back, I blogged about having difficulty in training Jesslyn to use potty. I wondered what did I do or didnt do with Jesslyn that made her slow in potty training. After that, I exchanged experiences with colleagues and friends and realised that it isnt abnormal for Jesslyn to still wear pampers. It was Jerilyn who is quick in ceasing dependence on pampers (at 24 months). It looks like I still have to invest on pampers for quite some time.
2. used a few more new words intelligently.

  • she said "heavy, heavy" as she carried her chair around.
  • she used "pull down" when the wrapper was in the way to the wafer. She wanted me to pull down the wrapper.
  • she played with the paper frog that I folded and said "Froggy, jump jump. Froggy, jump jump."
  • answered in Teochew "Hao Chak"(Delicious) when her granny asked about the coke she was sipping.
  • she said "brush your teeth" at pics of toothpaste and toothbrush and "kick the ball" at the relevant pic.
  • she said "share Mei2" and passed the apple to her sister.

As for Jerilyn, other than her brilliant imagination, (today, she stood in the toodler's chair and galloped in it[horse]) she could recognise and spell about 40+words. She doesnt like writing. Everytime she writes, she only writes 4-8times before she becomes lazy and starts diverting my attention. She needs to be guided when it comes to studying.
Overall, they have a pretty good relationship except the times when they fight for something. Jerilyn always snatches from Jesslyn and this makes Jesslyn a complainer and defensive. Whenever Jerilyn touches her, Jesslyn would move away. Now, before Jerilyn could take anything from her, she would hold it tight to her chest and come running to me for rescue. However, Jesslyn still 'adores' her sister. She loves to copy her sister's every action, every move. Jerilyn sings, Jesslyn imitates, Jerilyn screams, Jesslyn screams louder. Jerilyn complains of pain on the hand, Jesslyn does the same. Jerilyn rolls on the floor, Jesslyn follows. I attribute Jesslyn's extensive vocabulary and communication skills to parroting Jerilyn. As a result, this boosts Jerilyn's confidence as not only Jesslyn copies her moves, Jesslyn also laughs like crazy at Jerilyn's funny actions.

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